Psychological Therapies & Clinical Services
How does it work......
A psychologist understands that the difficulties you experience are real and will take it very seriously. The role of the psychologist is to help you develop new ways of dealing with your problems so that you can enjoy a good quality of life.
Research suggest that psychological therapy can immensely enhance people's quality of life by changing your relationship to your thoughts and feelings dramatically that can be a positive life changing experience.
Individual, couples or group sessions can be arranged to suit your needs.
The sessions usually involve exploring how you think and feel about your problems, learning new ways to respond, developing new ways of managing and changing old habits, helping you to adjust to changing circumstances, discussing the effects of stress and how it can be managed, developing strategies to use when feeling low or anxious, helping you to achieve your own manageable goals and the things you value in your life.

Face to face therapy
If you have been referred to me or if you are self-referring the first step would be for you to arrange to meet for an initial face to face consultation. You can do this very easily by sending me an email. I will then contact you as soon as possible and we can arrange to meet for an individual face to face consultation at a time that is suitable for us.
Seminars and Workshops
Assertiveness skills
Stress management
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is the main therapy offered within the NHS today and is recommended by NICE guidelines for a wide range of conditions. CBT is a structured, time-limited therapy where the therapist and client work collaboratively in order to achieve the desired changes. CBT places emphasis on thoughts, emotions, behaviour and physiology and how these interact.
The therapist helps the client formulate the problem and give it context. Although earlier experiences and childhood issues will often be discussed and used to inform the understanding of the current problem, the sessions are more focused on the present and the future.
Together with the therapist the client will learn to identify and modify unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving in order to achieve a more positive frame of mind and less negative emotions. Unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving are highlighted and clients learn how to modify their thoughts, thereby experiencing less negative emotions and engaging in less maladaptive behaviours. Homework form an integral part of CBT and acts as the bridge between the sessions and the client’s outside world.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a form of behavioural therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies to help increase psychological flexibility. It aims to help individuals to change their relationship with negative thoughts and feelings that are taking over their lives and in some cases are greatly impacting their health and well-being.
ACT can be beneficial for a wide range of people as it helps clients to cope with problems such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, trauma, substance abuse/addictions, eating disorders, psychotic symptoms, health problems and chronic pain.
ACT therapy employs a range of tools to teach mindfulness strategies. It makes an appealing approach for those who want to quickly and easily master mindfulness without having to meditate.
Mindfulness as practice has existing for millennia and has now been clinically shown to benefit a wide range of difficulties including both physical and mental health problems. It can be used successfully to treat variouse anxieties such as phobias, panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, stress, depression, various physical health conditions such as cancer, heart diseases, chronic pain, post traumatic stress disorder and relationship difficulties.
Group therapy
Face to face therapy
Seminars & Workshops